Thursday, September 30, 2010

second nominee, Kenia F. BUS 140 07 FA

For my second nominee i chosed Oprah Winfrey, because even thought many people already identified her as a rich succesful women whom helps people with low income and as a popular women for her show. She deserves to be noticed for more people because the  difficulties Oprah lived and all the hard work she did in order for reaching her goals. Winfrey  never imagined that she will become wealthy and so popular because her oportunities of becoming rich were low.  Her mother Vernita Lee was a housemaid and her father Vernon Winfrey was a coal miner, thus they didnt have the resourses for giving an education to Oprah. Winfrey was rised in a farm and moved suddenly to a ghetto place in Missisipi with her mother, in that place she got raped by three people her cousin, father and a friend of the family. She got pregnant but her baby died really soon because he born premature. This are one of the reasons this women should be honored because even thought most of her live was as a nightmare she did accomplish a major goal, finishing college.Winfrey graduated from Tennessee State University with a Degree in Speech and was the first black women to be a TV news reporter. I believe Oprah should be honored because she is an example to does women which have suffered and a light between the dark for those women whom need hope for reaching their goals. Her live and her experienced should be more honored and published so that women whom are suffering discover that there is always hope to accomplish your dreams.
Kenia fernandez,
BUS 140 07FA

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